Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Knowledge Increases

by Karmela Rae

Bioprinting will probably be the next medical miracle in technology. It is an ongoing research by Organovo, which will be used to treat people with various diseases.

Bioprinting is derived from the concept on inkjet printers, which primarily work by putting ink cartridges with different colors of ink to enable the machine to print. The bioprinter will work just like the inkjet printer, except that it will have cartridges of living human cells instead of ink cartridges, and a cartridge for the gel-like substance which will hold the cells together before they fuse after the printing process. The printer will be enabled to move up, down, left and right to enable the machine to print 3D cells, tissues and even organs.

A short video explaining how Bioprinting works from explainingthefuture.com

Bioprinting is seen as a cosmetic fad and even a medical miracle in the future. By bioprinting, customers can now download body features from the internet and ask hospitals to apply it onto their bodies. Future bioprinters are also being designed to be enabled to print tissues directly onto the human body. It will have a part which will vaporize existing cells and simultaneously place new ones.

The leading researcher for this is the company Organovo, which has successfully bioprinted human blood vessels, and even some animal organs. The aim of this project is to be able to replace human organs when damaged or needing transplants.

Though this medical technology seems beneficial for mankind, who's to say that this do not have negative effects as well? Technology is fast on the rise, and who's to say it's too long before humans invent pieces of technology to harm us? Ladies and gentlemen, beware of the progress of technology and its products. It may come to hurt you one day.


  1. Amen Karmela.Yes It's seems beneficial but if we are not aware it will also lead people away from God, because they will depend on it's healing benefits. People will seek first that technology instead of seeking God for healing who created us. Now we have our present technology (touch screen gadgets, games, internet & mobile technology) but it seems its leading many people away from God. YES! WE MUST BE AWARE to the progress of our technology. "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" (Matthew 16:26)

    1. Very well said, Elden. With what will the person buy it back from perdition in “exchange” at the judgment when he faces the disastrous hell of remorse and suffering for his lost soul? Nothing...We should think it a million times, with this proliferation of technology, it will be harmful in such a great magnitude by then.

  2. This is such an informative article.
    Life is temporary at the very best. We could possess all the world's goods, and still be lost. In fact, we, probably, would be lost. We will stand ALL before Jesus. Then it won't matter how great we were here. Only the treasures we have laid up in heaven will count. Now, here’s the challenge, it would be no price at all to give all to Jesus, and exchange 70 years(more or less) as average life span here on earth for the eternity in heaven that’s been waiting for us who knows Jesus, the Messiah and accepted HIM as Lord & Savior.

  3. If that's to correct or restore forms or functions- fine, but if that's to alter one's given features in the name of vanity, a way too risky to attain superficial beauty. There's more to life than what meets the eye.

  4. That's a blast! I used to print essays and pictures in school now experts can print your very own cell even organ! Then people in the future will be ordering Bioprinters to "print" whatever organ, cell or skin they want to replace? No one's gonna pray to be healed; people will be so dependent on technology.
    The book of Daniel has already predicted it “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” --> Daniel 12:4

  5. This is now a reality. The company has successfully printed a human liver.

