Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Guide in the Virtual World

by Ilai

Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

An image of the networking protocol http and the www letters by Rock 1977 from Wikipedia

With our technology advancing, children are more likely to be harmed by internet use, specifically excessive internet use.  According to a survey (click here, herehere and here)
several children admitted they had neglected homework and ignored family and friends because of their excessive use of the internet. These statements are already alarming, how much more is the fact that our children are also more prone to seeing pornographic images, sexually-provoking messages, lewd language, violence and all forms of bad influence that can easily be avoided personally, but not so much virtually?

The internet might be an effective learning tool for them, but let us remember that as parents or guardians, guidance is still a must to protect them from the contamination they might be exposed to. It was once said that children can be likened to a sponge -- they can and will just absorb whatever is thrown in their paths. No, they won’t pick what is right and what is wrong, so it is our responsibility as matured adults to do that very job of protecting them.

Parents might not want to peek too often but surely they can have a conversation with their children about their internet use.

So, only parents, right? Singles are free? Hooray? No, absolutely not! How many of us have friends in facebook we know are minors? And another question is; how careful are we with what we post on our timelines, knowing that it might have a profound effect on the people they reach, regardless of their ages?

The bottom line is, let us not miss the point of guiding the young ones especially in this critical Digital Age of ours. Let us not allow the internet do the lectures.

Parents, see video below.


  1. Yes Lord JESUS, our redeemer and saviour. Our living GOD. All things are possible because you are with us. Thank you LORD... ^_^

  2. Whatever you do, whether you post, share like or comment, with every click,
    D O I T A L L F O R T H E G L O R Y O F G O D
    <1 Cor.10:31>

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
